From Unloved Spaces to Food Growing Places
Year 1 Art:
Manipulating malleable materials – creating ‘pinch pot’ porridge bowls for ‘The Three Bears’ and creating patterns using natural objects.
Year 1 Maths:
Creating patterns with autumn leaves.
Year 2 Science:
Identifying and recording plants and animals in different microhabitats
Year 2 History:
Making Wattle and Daub walls to support learning about the topic ‘The Great Fire of London’
Year 2 PSHE:
Working together to look after the places and people in our community
Respecting others and their differences
Year 2 Geography:
Creating story sticks and using directional language
Year 3 History:
Cross curricular learning through Mayan farming and gardening
Year 4 Geography:
Making water stills to find out about the water cycle
Reading and using compasses.
Creating ‘compass direction plant pots’ to learn the 8 compass points.
Year 4 Science:
Using classification guides to identify different living things.
Year 5 History:
Cross-curricular learning through Victorian Gardening
Year 6: Cross-curricular project – Creating a Sensory Garden
ASDAN curriculum linked projects:
Registered Office,Grow Wakefield Ltd,Office S18, Flexspace,Monckton Road,Wakefield WF2 7AS
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